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Once expanded, there is a check box called "Campaign exclusively destined to business contacts"  Marking this check ensures that the emails will be sent to everyone in the target that has chosen to receive emails and those that have not stated any preference (but not to those who have marked "No").

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It´s important to note that while this feature was primarily intended for communications between businesses (B2B) there is no internal check on this and marking the option simply extends the mailout to anyone who has not stated a preference for email notifications.  Be certain to review GDPR restrictions and any local area privacy restrictions and anti-SPAM laws concerning the delivery of publicity and marketing materials before using this function to ensure legality.  

Getting Started

There is no specific setup necessary.  The contact´s email preferences are located in the Contact file>Marketing tab.  If either of these two options are marked "no" the email will not be sent.  
