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Why should organizer use it?

  • To make sure organizer can collect all necessary ticket holder information that associated to each ticket. 
  • The feature include:
    1. A pop-up asking for assigning tickets in case user has any non-assigned ticket for an event
    2. A red banner covering QRcode section to alert users when a ticket has not yet assigned.
      The red banner will remain until the ticket is assigned and change to neutral grey color if assignment is made.

How it works?

  • Enable the feature: upon request and need the implementation on mobile side (require new build)
  • Interval time: define at Number of minutes before sending a non-assigned reminder in the app
  • If interval = 0, pop-up will be disabled and only red banner will appear on ticket level

Image Modified

How feature is visible on TIXNGO app?

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Indication as screenshot above

non_assign_titletitle of the red ribbon & pop-up
non_assign_subtitlesubtitle of red ribbon & pop-up
assign_reminder_1st_btnAssign ticket now button
assign_reminder_2st_btnDo it later button