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To streamline communication and enhance the user experience, we’ve introduced an email consolidation feature for bulk ticket actions (transfer/accept/reject/cancel). Organizers now have the flexibility to send a singular email for grouped ticket actions, reducing email clutter and providing a succinct overview of transactions.

Adjustable Ticket Quantity

Organizers can set a specific ticket quantity that triggers consolidated email communication for bulk ticket actions. 


For actions involving tickets below the defined quantity, the existing behavior (one email per ticket, including ticket details) will remain.


Transfer messages, if enabled and utilized, will appear once in consolidated emails, even if they pertain to multiple tickets.


  • If the defined ticket targetted quantity is “3” and a spectator sends 3 or more tickets to someone else, a single email, using the new template, will be sent for all tickets involved in that action.
  • If a spectator transfers 1 or 2 tickets, individual emails (current behavior) will be sent for each ticket.Note: Transfer messages, if enabled and utilized, will appear once in consolidated emails, even if they pertain to multiple tickets.

How to activate this feature
