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A full set of data (if available) is displayed: email, first name, last name, gender, passport, ID card, nationality, phone, app language, creation date, Opt-in, pin code(one-time login), and active sessionno. of active devices/total, last sync time. The list is ordered by spectator’s email ascendingly.

On Backoffice, go to Spectator List page:

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Search and filter


In the Actions section of the grid, click the lock icon

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Please confirm or abandon the locking action by clicking the adequate button.

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Once locked, a new lock icon appears after the email address and the Lock action is replaced by the Unlock action.


In the Actions section of the grid, click the lock icon .

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Please confirm or abandon the unlocking action by clicking the adequate button.

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Once unlocked, the icon after the email address disappeared and the Unlock action is replaced by the Lock action.Image Removed

Export data

  • Export spectator data to CSV is available on this page
