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Note: In the Mobile logs export CSV file, both date will be included.


Screenshots & Screen recording are now recorded in the mobile logs

To provide better monitoring & support capabilities during high-attendance events, regardless of whether the 'Protect screenshot and screen recording' feature is enabled or disabled, a log record will be captured when :

  • When an user take a screenshot on the ticket app, organizers can see a record of log with the action user.screenshot.taken
  • When an user record a video on the ticket app, organizers can see a record of log with the action user.screen.recorded

As always, these two new recorded actions will be visible on the Mobile logs screen and can be searched by the spectator's email on the Support Page.

Known Limitations:

  • If spectators start recording before they open the app, the app cannot detect the recording and therefore cannot log the action.
  • For Android devices :
    • Spectators cannot take and record video log when screen protection is TRUE
    • The way to detect screenshot action is by checking whether a new image that contains the word "screenshot" in the name is created. Therefore, the app needs permission to read the storage/media in order to work.