Page tree

Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


NamePossible value or definition (if apply)Default valueMandatory
01/01/2023 00:00-No
30/06/2023 00:00-No
Line types

Sales, VAT, Payments, Analytic, Sales Compensation, Payments Compensation

Sales, VAT and PaymentsYes
Email recipient(s)name@elcaname@secutix.chcom-No
OrderingFields by which to order accounting lines in file created, separated by ,
Amount formatting






Computed fieldsFormulas to calculate values for each file column pasted one after another. Max capacity of the box 4.000 characters (Following custom parameter box format). See details below. (Default CSV formula or PNM formula, specified below)-No

Only order idsGenerate a file with only the specified orders-No
The file will be created with the especific headerYes, only for PNM
With headersThe file will be created with headersMarkedYes, only for CSV
EncodingUTF-8UTF-8No, only for CSV
End of lineUnix / WindowsUnixNo, only for CSV
Field separatorSeparator of the values, example: ' ' space, '     ' tabulationtabulationNo, only for CSV
File to uploadIgnore
