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Go to CSV Injection > Choose file > Submit

What you should know:

General set-up: (lightbulb)

  • CSV File Specifications:
    • Maximum tickets
    • per CSV file:
    20000 tickets
    • 20,000 tickets
    • The CSV file must be encoded in UTF-8.
    • All dates must follow the RFC3339 standard for date and time.

  • Template Options:
    • Minimal Required Fields Template (CSV Minimal Template): Contains the minimum required fields.
    • Complete Template (CSV Full Template): Includes all possible ticket fields to assist with CSV setup.
    • Multilingual Template (CSV Full Template for Multilingual): Supports injecting with multilingual option.
    • With these 3 templates, please exclude "injection" from the file name to avoid any error
    • When using the Multilingual option, please ensure that you save your CSV file with the suffix "-multilingual".
  • Note:
    • Instead of leaving unused columns empty, please delete them from the file. These empty cells will cause the errors of wrong formatting. 
    • When saving your CSV file using Excel, please be cautious of a common issue where quotation marks ("") may be doubled. This duplication can cause errors when uploading the file.
    • By ensuring that quotation marks are not doubled, you can prevent potential errors during the file upload process. To avoid this problem, follow these steps after saving the CSV file:
      1. Open the CSV file using a text editor or spreadsheet software.
      2. Search for any instances where quotation marks are doubled ("").
      3. Remove the duplicate quotation marks, leaving only single quotation marks (").
      4. Save the modified CSV file.

Tracking status: (tick)

  • This page list all CSV injection jobs that were sent by the organizer and its status (COMPLETED/FAILED/IN PROGRESS)
  • Two templates are available, a minimal required fields template and a complete template with all possible ticket fields to help with the CSV setup.
  • Organizers must check the output file to make sure the actual status of each ticket injected (ACCEPTED/REJECTED)
  • Both uploaded CSV and output files are downloadable. Output file contains the details of ticket injected status as well as any error associated with its failure.
  • The CSV file must be UTF-8 encoded
  • All Dates must follow the RFC3339 standard for date & time
  • For more details on each field of the file, please check here for better understanding.
