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Comment: Moving Promo Items into dedicated page


Those settings are related to some specific features that will display or work on the app. Below are all related features that you can configure:

Promo items on Burger Menu:

TIXNGO offer organizer the posibility to have up to 2 promo items on burger menu.

Each promo item on burger menu is associated with 4 components: visibility, title, description and URLs. (Note: URLs for burger promo items are same as event list promo items)

You can decide to show them on app or not  as well as customizing the content and URLs associated with them.

  • Make it visible : Changing the value of 2 keys below to active (Settings > Application Settings)
    external.event.position (Burger Menu: Item 1 Visibility) (Burger Menu: Item 2 Visibility)
  • Change content: you can update the content for those respectively keys on Multilingual settings for item 1 and item 2:
    • (Burger Menu: Item 1 Title)
    • (Burger Menu: Item 1 Description)
    • (Event List: Promo 1 Url)
    • (Burger Menu: Item 2 Title)
    • (Burger Menu: Item 2 Title)
    • (Event List: Promo 2 Url)
  • Titles and URLs for all supported languages must be filled in order to activate the burger promo items.

Promo items on Event List:

Similar to promo items on burger menu, TIXNGO also allow organizer to have up to 2 promo items on event list screen.

Each promo item on Event List is associated with 5 components: visibility, image URL, title, description and URLs. (Note: URLs for burger promo items are same as event list promo items)

  • Make it visible: changing 2 keys below to value top/bottom/after_first
    • external.event.position (Event List: Promo 1 Position)
    • otherapp.event.position (Event List: Promo 2 Position)

Top: Promo banner is placed above all events

Bottom: Promo banner is placed below all events

After_first: promo banner is placed below the first active event

  • Update the image for items:
    • external.image (Event List: Promo 1 Image Url)
    • otherapp.image (Event List: Promo 2 Image Url)
  • Change content: you can update the content for those respectively keys on Multilingual settings for item 1 and item 2:
    • external.event.title (Event List: Promo 1 Title)
    • external.event.description (Event List: Promo 1 Description)
    • (Event List: Promo 1 Url)
    • otherapp.event.title (Event List: Promo 2 Title)
    • otherapp.event.description (Event List: Promo 2 Description)
    • (Event List: Promo 2 Url)
  • Titles and image URLs for all supported languages must be filled in order to activate the event list promo items.
  • If promo 1 & promo 2 have the same position: you can define if which one will be displayed first by using the key promo.external.other.prioritized.position (Relative position between Events List Promo 1 and Promo 2)

Force Upgrade & Update:

In case your application has a new build (version) and you would like to force every user to be up to date.
