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  • Use case: you want to remind user to always assign a name as ticket holder for every ticket they have. This feature is useful to allow organizer to do it.
  • What will be displayed on user’s app:When user opens app for the first time, a Non-assigned reminder allows organizer to set pop-up message in app for assigning ticket reminder. The content of pop-up is editable and translatable on Crowdin for each app.
  • If the assignment is not made by user, pop-up will be shown again after interval time that being set on Backoffice.
  • reminder in case user has at least 1 non-assigned ticket for an event in their wallet.
  • This feature is only block QR to be showed until ticket is assigned/kept for myself
  • How to enable the feature: feature must be switched on from mobile side (new build required)
  • Once feature is enabled, non-assigned reminder will always display until user has no non-assigned ticket left on their app. Based on the interval time set by organizer, reminder will appear after an amount of time. 
  • Organizer can set up the interval time between 2 pop-ups time on Back-Office at Interval time in minutes (between 2 pop-ups) is defined at key ticket.non-assigned.reminder ( Number of minutes before sending a non-assigned reminder in the app) and must be greater than 0.. If value = 0, pop-up will be disable. 

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  • There’s also a ribbon covering QR-code part and displayed on non-assigned ticket indicates the message to ask user assign ticket. This ribbon is always showed regardless of interval value and text is editable on Crowdin. 

Transfer reminder for non-transfered tickets
