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Currently, when a ticket is delivered as mobile ticket, the end customer may reprint it as e-tickets. However, this operation invalidates the initial mobile ticket and this may disrupt the inflow of your visitors. A new flag allows you to prevent this reprint.


Defining groups of payment methods

You will be able to define groups of payment methods in the new menu entry:

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Following information may be entered for a given group:

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The list of payments screen has been extended in order to display the group to which a payment method belongs:

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In order to illustrate the solution, let's consider the following example. The customer has bought 3 tickets. The on-line shop allows mobile ticket and print@home shipment mode. He selects the mobile ticket shipment mode and pays the order. No tickets have been downloaded or printed yet. The end customer has still the choice between downloading a ticket on his mobile or printing an e-ticket.

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The end customer decides to download the first ticket on his mobile. He can't get an e-ticket anymore to prevent the invalidation of the mobile ticket:

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Display on the Ticket Shop
