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  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


ticket deletion deleteddelete successfully receiver

Variable Name

Variable Description

Backend Key

Burger Menu: Item 1 Title

Title of the menu item for the external website

Burger Menu: Item 1 Description 

Sub-text of the menu item for the external website

Event List: Promo 1 Title

Title of the box in the event list for the external website


Event List: Promo 1 Description

Sub-text of the event list for the external website


Event List: Promo 1 URL

Multilingual link to an external website

Burger Menu: Item 2 Title

Title of the menu item for the other app

Burger Menu: Item 2 Description

Sub-text of the menu item for the other app

Event List: Promo 2 Title

Title of the box in the event list for the other app


Event List: Promo 2 Description

Sub-text of the event list for the other app


Event List: Promo 2 URL

Multilingual link to an other app

App download link in Emails

Multilingual link to branded app

App name in Emails

Multilingual app name

Push Notifications at ticket injection: content

Content of the push notification recieved at injection


Push Notifications at ticket injection: title

Title of the push notification recieved at injection


Push Notifications transfer recipient: content

Content of the push notification recieved by recipient of transfer


Push Notifications transfer recipient: title

Title of the push notification recieved by recipient of transfer


Push Notifications transfer sender: content

Content of the push notification recieved by sender of transfer


Push Notifications transfer sender: title

Title of the push notification recieved by sender of transfer


Push Notifications at ticket deletion: content

Content of the push notification recieved when a ticket is deleted


Push Notificationsat ticket deletion: title

Title of the push notification recieved when a ticket is deleted


Push Notifications at delete resale pending contentA ticket for $$$$ has been being resoldnotification.deleted.resale-pending.content
Push Notifications at delete resale pending titleTicket being resoldnotification.deleted.resale-pending.title
Push Notifications at delete resale cancelled contentA reselling ticket for $$$$ has been cancellednotification.deleted.resale-cancelled.content
Push Notifications at delete resale cancelled titleReselling ticket cancelnotification.deleted.resale-cancelled.title
Push Notifications at delete resold contentA ticket for $$$$ has been resoldnotification.deleted.resold.content
Push Notifications at delete resold Ticket resoldnotification.deleted.resold.title

Push Notifications at ticket activation: content

Content of the push notification recieved when a ticket is activated


Push Notificationsat ticket activation: title

Title of the push notification recieved when a ticket is activated


Push Notifications at transfer cancelation: content

Content of the push notification recieved when a transfer is canceled by sender


Push Notifications at transfer cancelation: title

Title of the push notification recieved when a transfer is canceled by sender


Push Notifications at transfer accept title

Title of the push notification received by sender when transfer is accepted by the receiver


Push Notifications at transfer accept content

Content of the push notification received by sender when transfer is accepted by the receiver


Push Notifications at transfer reject title

Title of the push notification received by sender when transfer is rejected by the receiver


Push Notifications at transfer reject content

Content of the push notification received by sender when transfer is rejected by the receiver


Push Notifications at transfer have been auto_canceled successfully titleTitle of the push notification received by sender when transfer is auto canceled by TIXNGO systemnotification.information.automaticallycancel.title
Push Notifications at transfer have been auto_canceled successfully contentContent of the push notification received by sender when transfer is auto canceled by TIXGO systemnotification.information.automaticallycancel.content

Push Notification at session logout title

Title of the push notification received by a user at session logout


Push Notification at session logout content

Content of the push notification received by a user at session logout


Push Notifications at ticket update: content

Content of the push notification received when a ticket's information is updated by organizer


Push Notifications at ticket update: title

Title of the push notification received when a ticket's information is updated by organizer


Email subject at ticket injection

Email subject received by initial spectator when a ticket is injected


Email body at ticket injection

Email body received by initial spectator when a ticket is injected


Email subject at ticket transfer to unknown account

Email subject received by recipient of transfer when account is not in TIXNGO system


Email body at ticket transfer to unknown account

Email body received by recipient of transfer when account is not in TIXNGO system


Email subject at ticket transfer to known account

Email subject received by recipient of transfer when account is already in TIXNGO system


Email body at ticket transfer to known account

Email body received by recipient of transfer when account is already in TIXNGO system


Email subject at ticket transfer cancellation

Email subject received by recipient of transfer when transfer is cancelled


Email body at ticket transfer cancellation

Email body received by recipient of transfer when transfer is cancelled


Email subject for reminders

Email subject received when spectator gets a reminder (has not downloaded his ticket yet)


Email body for reminders

Email body received when spectator gets a reminder (has not downloaded his ticket yet)


Email subject at ticket deletion

Email subject received by spectator spectator when a ticket is deleted


Email body at ticket deletion

Email body received by spectator when a ticket is deleted


Email subject at transfer has been auto_canceled successfully (to recipients)

Email subject received by spectator(transfer receiver) when a ticket is deletedauto_canceled


Email body at transfer has been auto_canceled successfully (to recipients)Email body received by spectator(transfer receiver) when a ticket is auto_canceledemail.information.automaticallycancel.recipient.body
Email subject at transfer has been auto_canceled successfully (to senders)Email subject received by spectator(transfer sender) when a ticket is auto_canceledemail.information.automaticallycancel.sender.subject

Email body at transfer has been auto_canceled successfullysuccessfully (to senders)

Email body received by spectator(transfer receiversender) when a ticket is auto_canceled
