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Scroll to the end to see the example of the form or click here


Current SecuTix functionality does not yet provide a dedicated label to enable "Verträge hier kündigen" in the footer of the ticket shop. Therefore we temporarily recommend using one of the existing labels, that is potentially not yet used by the client and renaming it to "Verträge hier kündigen".
This is not a sustainable way of achieving the goal but is necessary to comply with the law by the date 1st of July 2022. The product team will provide a dedicated label in one of the Weisshorn V3 releases delivered between Avg - Nov 2022. After that point, the client can choose to switch to new functionality or keep the one we are proposing as a temporary solution. 

The wanted results in the image below; 

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How to rename existing labels to "Verträge hier kündigen"? 

  1. Find the relevant Point of sale under the Organizations Sales channel
  2. Select Internet parameters

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3. Choose one unused label that you will rename to "Verträge hier kündigen" in the next step  - example: If unused, you can choose "Site map" label - and add the URL linking to a form for termination of the subscription

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4. The Last step is to rename the "Site map" label to "Verträge hier kündigen"

  • First, you need to find the respective internet theme settings for the ticket shop. (Organization > Sales channel > Ticket Shop > Point of sale > Internet theme > Advanced)

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  • Then add "" to the end of the URL and you will see that the label changed to "GRAVITY.TSFOOTER.SITEMAP"

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  • You will have to make sure to distinguish between capitals and normal letters of the label. If you enter them incorrectly the translation will not work. To make sure that you use the accurate input you'll have to inspect the page (F12) and hover over the label to find its syntax in the code.
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  • Use the label "gravity.TsFooter.siteMap" and add it as a new key with a translation "Verträge hier kündigen"
    • You accomplish that by clicking on "New". The new popup will require you to enter the key (gravity.TsFooter.siteMap) and the wanted translation for that label ("Verträge hier kündigen")
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      • Make sure you distinguish between capitals and normal letters. If you enter them incorrectly the translation will not work. To make sure that you use the accurate input you'll have to inspect the page (F12) and hover over the label to find its syntax in the codeImage Removed

There could be a scenario where the landing page and other pages use different labels example; 

  • Landing page: "gravity.TsFooter.siteMap"
  • Other pages: "label.footer.sitemap"

In that case, make sure that you add two separate key entries for each label and translate both to "Verträge hier kündigen".

Example of the form

We used this Google form for demonstration purposes only! Please make sure that clients choose forms that provide full flexibility of customization. 

<iframe src="" width="640" height="1980" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" align="left">Loading…</iframe>

This part will be supported by Service Team. 

How to change the footer link.

Attachment from Legal departmentAttachment from Legal dep:


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name2201217 - Germany - Termination Button - legal process (002).pptx - AutoRecovered.pptx
