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The QR invoice provides basically the same features as the BVR payment slip. The only difference resides in the format of the document (used by your customers to pay their orders) and the format if of the payment file received by from the bank (which informs you about the payment payments successfully performed by your customers).


The QR invoice may be used for:

  1. Reservation orders: The initial order is a reservation order and will be converted to a sales order during the import of the payment file. The tickets will only be available after payment.
  2. Sales orders:The initial order has been paid by pending account with follow-up, using one or more installments. Each import of a payment file will (usually) pay one installment. As for any payment by pending account, the tickets are available right after order closure, i.e. after the "real" payment.

Payment methods

The QR payment process uses exactly the same payment methods as the BVR payment. You don't have to create new ones.

  • A payment method by pending account and follow-up, with a default BVR/QR payment method for each installment. This payment method is only necessary for case 2 above.
  • A BVR/QR payment method used when the payment file received from the bank is being imported.

QR invoice


Following the TicketBAI regulation, a TBAI identifier and a QR code are displayed at the bottom of the order summary and order receipt. The QR code encodes a URL redirecting to the tax authorities' fiscal system, allowing to check that the order has been properly signed and sent to the fiscal authorities.
