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titleNEW V2.12
A new direct debit payment method for the SEPA area has been developed in Bishorn V2. Like the payment method developed a few years ago and based on the services provided by our Slimpay partner, this new in-house payment method is also based on the pending (suspense) account, meaning that the tickets may be printed before they are paid. The main difference between both methods resides in the mandate creation in case of online sales. Slimpay provides an automatic mandate creation for on-line sales while, with this new payment method, mandates are created outside of SecuTix (see section Solution below for more details).


Comparison of the different direct debit payment methods

The table below compares the three available direct debit payment methods:

  • Bank withdrawal: the first direct debit payment method provided by SecuTix
  • Slimpay direct debit: the direct debit payment method based on pending account and using Slimpay (for bank file generation and automatic mandate creation for on-line sales)
  • SEPA direct debit: the new direct debit bank payment method also based on pending account 

Bank withdrawalSlimpay direct debitSEPA direct debit

The Bishorn V2 release will provide price breakdown for fixed price season tickets, including championships. Here are the main characteristics of this feature:
